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Quote from Axl in Vive La Hecks

Brick: Hey, Axl, can I get your opinion on something? So, I've decided to break up with Cindy.
Axl: Whoa! You sure about that?
Brick: Well, you know, sophomore year. The thing is, now that I've decided to do it, I'm not exactly sure how to do it.
Axl: Why break up? Just add on.
Sue: Bubbles!
Axl: You know, in France, they got a girlfriend for every day of the week. And they got more days there.
Sue: Bubble! Bubble! Bubble!
Brick: I don't think Cindy would go for that.
Axl: I don't know what to tell ya, bud. Just, uh, get 'er done. Grab Dad's stepladder, climb on up, look Cindy in her eyes, and tell her it's over.

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