Quote from Frankie in Clear and Present Danger
Sue: So regarding things we can remember, what are we doing for Dad's birthday? Frankie: [scoffs] I'm not wasting any energy on that guy. You know he's the least-fun birthday person ever. He doesn't want to be sung to. He doesn't want any presents. I'm just gonna defrost that steak we got cheap at the Frugal Hoosier power-outage sale and leave him alone. He'll be happy. Sue: Okay, we can't just not do anything. He sold his diaper business so I could go to school. Besides, when you're over 50, you have to cherish every birthday. Frankie: What's that supposed to mean? Sue: Nothing. Frankie: I know what it means. Listen, where would I have hidden something that I know I could find, but nobody else would? The basement? No, I don't hide things in the basement. Or do I? [sighs] Don't turn over 50.