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Quote from Frankie in Clear and Present Danger

Sue: Uh-oh. Frosting emergency? I think you have a back-up can in the medicine cabinet.
Frankie: No, I'm looking for something else. And don't say "back-up can" like it's a regular thing. I can stop whenever I want. Hey, have you seen anything around the house recently that looks like I might have hidden it?
Sue: [gasps] Ooh, is it for Dad's birthday?
Frankie: No, this is for something important. Axl's graduating in a few weeks, and I can't find the present I got him. I was in a store, like, a year ago, and I stumbled across this thing... It was touching, it was sentimental, it was the perfect gift.
Sue: So what is it?
Frankie: I don't remember. I mean, it was like yea big or yea big. I don't know. I threw it in here somewhere, but I... Ooh, my back-up cookies. Shut up.

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