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Quote from Lexie in Swing and a Miss

Sue: Okay, Lexie and I are all packed and we're heading back to school. I feel bad, though. I think we Hecked up Lexie.
Lexie: [coughing] [congestedly] Thank you again for letting me stay here. It was a super-fun week... five stars on Trip Advisor!
Frankie: Aww, well, it was great having you, Lexie. Come anytime. Our house is your house... or at least a much smaller version.
Lexie: [sneezes] Oh, is... is Axl around? I wanted to say goodbye.
Brick: No, he left. He said Spring Break '17 will go down as the most pathetic in history and he was ashamed to be a part of it.
Lexie: Um, my throat's closing up, so I'd better go. [coughing]

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