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Quote from Axl in Look Who's Not Talking

Axl: Oh, if you're gonna give lessons on disrespect, maybe you should talk to your wife first. She insulted the girl that I love, the girl that changed my life!
Mike: Okay, take it down a notch.
Axl: No, you take it down a notch! There are two Axls now... one before April and one after April.
Mike: Is there a third one I can talk to?
Axl: You just don't get it. Just 'cause you and Mom are dead behind the eyes doesn't mean I am. The other night, April and I talked until the sun rose.
Mike: No, I get it. Your girlfriend's great. But you know what? So is your mom. So text her about the carrot. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you.
Axl: Yeah, and I'm not 5 anymore. I'm not gonna do it just 'cause you tell me to.

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