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Quote from Frankie in The Lanai

Frankie: Okay, I have been nice for over a week, but enough is enough! Your kids are out of control! I tried to be a good neighbor, but some of us would like to be able to enjoy our lanais, but we can't, because no matter what the time of day, your kids are out there screaming, they're jumping, they're yelling! And can I ask you something? With all the exercise they're getting, would it kill you to give them a full-size cookie?!
Diedre: Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. I know that they're loud, but what am I supposed to do? We were in an apartment before this, and now they're just so excited to have a yard. Should I not let them play in their own backyard? For the most part, they're really good kids. They're just... kids.
Frankie: [sighs]

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