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Quote from Axl in Crushed

Brick: No... I need Mom and Dad to lend Cindy's family $700 or they're gonna move away. What would you say to that?
Axl: I'd say, "Bye, Cindy." [sniffles] Look, I know it sucks losing a girl you really like, but it's not like you're the first guy it's ever happened to. I was totally bummed when I lost Cassidy. And the point is, Brick, there's gonna be a lot of other women in your life.
Brick: [sighs] I don't want any other girls.
Axl: Well, the good news is no matter how bad things seem, everything in life ends up working out.
Brick: So you think Cindy will stay?
Axl: I was talking about my life. The good news for you is the Japanese are very close to perfecting the robot girlfriend. Once they make a cheaper version, you could buy a tall one, name it Cindy.

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