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Quote from Frankie in The Wisdom Teeth

Brick: Well, apparently, this is what Axl left me to dry off with. [bangs starchy towel against table] I don't know why I ever thought I'd have any power in this house. So disappointing.
Frankie: Hey, you're a Heck. Disappointment is your birthright.
Brick: Hm.
Frankie: Here, dip some of these flowers. They're fun. They're from before the government banned chemicals.
Brick: Sure, why not?
Frankie: You know, I get it, Brick. I was so looking forward to the kids' dental surgery. It was gonna be a fun time for me. Remember when Axl broke his collarbone? That was such a good week. You know, I thought this was Elvis, but it's an eagle.

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