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Quote from Frankie in The Wisdom Teeth

Frankie: Morning, sleepy head. Mommy's here. You're all done. It went great.
Axl: [mumbles] Where did I keep my-
Frankie: You've got gauze in your mouth, sweetheart. I can't understand you.
Sue: Why is Julia Roberts here? Did Julia Roberts do my surgery?
Frankie: That's not Julia Roberts, honey. I work with her.
Sue: You work with Julia Roberts?
Frankie: Let's get my little chickies back in the nest. Oh. All right, here we go, honey. [Axl stands up and stumbles into Frankie] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, yeah. That's so nice. Oh, just lean on me, honey. That's right, Mommy's got you.
Axl: Thank you, Mommy.

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