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Quote from Axl in The Shirt

Axl: So, want to come over later and do nothing?
Devin: I don't know. How is your ant problem?
Axl: We seem to have reached a happy agreement. Whenever I have pizza, I throw them a slice in the corner. Seems to appease 'em.
Devin: Wow, I never thought I'd see peace with the ants in my lifetime.
Axl: Oh. Well, anyway, I got to get to practice. Coach put me in for almost a full minute on Saturday. [grunts] Wouldn't look good if a star player showed up late. You know, got to set a good example.
[Sue runs through Axl and Devin on her way to another stand]
Devin: Think we should stop her?
Axl: Nah. Let her wear herself out. She'll sleep better.

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