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Quote from Axl in The Sink Hole

Frankie: All right, come on. One, one, two. One, one, two. One, one... no, two. Mike, you got to feel the rhythm. You're not feeling the rhythm.
Mike: Hey, you got me slapping sticks against the floor. You get what you get.
Sue: Okay, now Dad's going faster because he's getting mad.
Mike: I'm not getting mad. Just go, Sue!
Sue: Okay, okay, okay. I'm going in. Oh. Dah! Well, it's harder than it looks.
Axl: [enters] Oh, ho! Hoo! [Axl has a go at tinikling]
Sue: Stop being good at everything!
Axl: [o.s.] Tell the sun to stop shining!

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