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Quote from Frankie in Office Hours

Mike: Are you sure they're okay in the basement together? I threw a tennis ball down the stairs to scare them, but what else can we do?
Frankie: What?
Mike: Sue and Darrin. They're downstairs. Are we sure this is such a great idea?
Frankie: Well, you didn't want them in the family room. You didn't want them in Sue's room. Where else are they supposed to go?
Mike: I don't know. I don't like it, Frankie. Look, you're the one that was all worked up about Sue and Darrin. Now all of a sudden, you're not?
Frankie: I don't know what to tell you Mike. Maybe it's just with my mind clear, I'm feeling more zen about the whole thing. I'm just more centered now.
Mike: Well, you're definitely more annoying.

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