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Quote from Frankie in The Carpool

Frankie: Listen, this week's a little crazy, so Tuesday I'm gonna need you to pick Sue up from work.
Mike: Got it. Where's that again?
Frankie: Seriously, Mike? You don't know where your daughter works? I think that's sad.
Mike: I think you're sad.
Frankie: Well, we're all sad. That's a given. So, where does your daughter work?
Mike: I know it's potatoes, Frankie. We've been eating her funky potato rejects for weeks. I just don't know where it is.
Frankie: It's Spudsy Malone's at the mall, okay? And then after, she needs to go to her J-P-la meeting, so... Who's the jerk that keeps honking their car... [gasps] Crap! Brick! Carpool! Carpool! [shouts out the door] Hey, Nancy, we'll be right there. He's just tying his shoe. [shouts to Brick] Wake up!

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