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Quote from Axl in War of the Hecks

Frankie: [v.o.] The one thing all parents look forward to is their kids coming home from college for winter break. Until they've been there a couple weeks.
Frankie: [sighs] Axl. How many times have I told you stop leaving your stuff everywhere. Seriously, this house is so much cleaner when you're not here.
Axl: [groans] Fine! Why are you always thinking things are gonna get better, huh? [stuff his clothes in the microwave] Just give up, Mom. This is your life.
Frankie: Because of that comment, you're also gonna go clean up your room. I want you to get rid of whatever you don't need anymore. You have junk in there that you haven't used since you were 5.
Axl: Oh, my God. I go to college, and you want to erase any trace of me, like I never even existed.
Frankie: Now you're getting it.

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