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Quote from Axl in Sleepless in Orson

Axl: Uh... What is this?
Calvin: Hey, what's up? The city snow plow piled all this here in front of the door, so the owner's paying us to move it by Saturday.
Axl: Wow. That's fascinating. Really. I'm actually more concerned about the fact you guys are wearing Boss Co. shirts. [chuckles] You should know there already is a Boss Co., and you can't act like you're a Boss Co. 'cause we're Boss Co.
Darrin: Oh, hey, other bosses.
Sean: [chuckles] Okay, now it makes sense. Boss Co. sidebar right now.
Axl: Hey, not you guys. Only bosses.
Calvin: Hey, we're bosses, too. That's the point of Boss Co.
Axl: Whoa. [chuckles] Don't explain the Boss Co. bylaws to me. I made the bylaws.

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