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Quote from Axl in The Christmas Tree

Courtney: Do you want to ride with us to the bonfire? They're asking people to carpool 'cause the party's gonna be so huge, right, Deb?
Debbie: Totally. All the cheerleaders are coming, even the new Swedish girl who just broke up with her boyfriend.
Axl: Oh! Seriously, I need to go to this bonfire, please. I'm not above begging here. Please, I've never asked you for anything in my life!
Frankie: First of all, you have. Second of all, no. It's Christmas Eve. You committed to being with the family. End of story.
Courtney: Wow. Your grandma's really strict. Isn't she, Deb?
Debbie: Super strict. Well, bye, Axl. We'll think of you when we're doing our naked polar-bear plunge in Briar's Pond. [both exit]

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