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Quote from Axl in Thanksgiving V

Axl: So, uh... [clears throat] Something going on with me. Crazy story. I was failing three of my four courses, and I had to drop them, so now I only have one. Now, I'm sure you guys have the life perspective to understand that, in the scheme of things, it's not really a big deal, and you probably have a similar story about something my Mom did when she was my age.
Tag: You dumb son of a bitch.
Pat: Oh, my God. [hits Axl's arm with her newspaper] Axl, this is a disaster. What were you thinking?
Tag: He wasn't thinking. That's why he's down to one class.
Frankie: [v.o.] In retrospect, Axl wished he hadn't told them in the first five minutes of what turned into the longest three-hour car ride of his life.

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