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Quote from Brick in The Potato

Principal Barker: I'm very sorry, but all of Brick's teachers said he hasn't been attending classes. Ms. Henderson, Mrs. Kimball, Mr. Purdy...
Brick: Oh. Who are they?
Principal Barker: Your teachers.
Brick: I don't think so. I don't know any of those people.
Frankie: What?
Brick: Oh, wait a minute. Those must have been the names of the teachers I got on the first day. Yeah, I didn't go to any of those classes. Sue said I didn't have to.
Sue: Trust me, Brick. Middle school is so much better than elementary school, 'cause, like, in elementary school, you have to stay with the same teacher all day. But in middle school, if you get bored with one class, it's not so bad because you get to switch classes.
Brick: Hmm.

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