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Quote from Sue in The Drop Off

Sue: No. No. No. No! No, no, no! It's ruined!
Frankie: What?
Sue: [gasps] The whole second page is ruined. It's- It's... look, it's all smeared! What did you have in your purse?
Frankie: Nothing.
Sue: Wh- [sniffs] It smells like how I always imagined Hawaii would smell.
Frankie: [to Mike] What'd I tell you?
Sue: Oh, God. Oh! Your purse freshener spilled all over my paper!
Frankie: Okay, okay. Let's not panic. You can re-create it. Just try to remember what you said and write it down.
Sue: I don't know what I said! Okay, the first page is all about who my role models are Sheryl Sandberg, Hermione, blah, blah, blah.

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