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Quote from Axl in The Drop Off

Frankie: Hey. You got your stuff? You all ready?
Axl: Locked and loaded.
Frankie: Wait. That's it? That's all you're taking? That's not all you're taking to college. What happened to the list they sent?
Brick: That's my toothbrush.
Frankie: What are you doing? What... There's no clock, no shower caddy, no shower shoes. Nothing in here is from the list they gave you. I gave you money to get stuff off the list.
Axl: Relax. I got stuff. I got this. [holds up an inflatable palm tree] Well, you haven't seen it blown up. Also, I got a bag of sand. You know, I'm going for, like, a tropical beach theme. It's gonna be... [high-pitched voice] hot.

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