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Quote from Frankie in From Orson with Love

Mike: Enough with this, Frankie. You're prowling around Facebook every night, you're making up pretend friends. You're getting obsessed.
Frankie: This is not about me, okay? I'm worried about Sue. There's this whole cyber fun party going on out there, and I don't want her falling through the cracks.
Mike: What are you talking about? She just went out with Carly.
Frankie: Yeah, to the library. Sue's fine to go to the library with, but if you want a hot pretzel, Chloe's your gal.
Mike: Listen to me. Nobody on the computer is having as good a time as you think they are. Trust me on this one, Jill.
Frankie: [sighs] I know, I know. Maybe I am getting a little nuts.

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