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Quote from Sue in From Orson with Love

Sue: Look, Mom, it's my Saturday Night sundae. See, it's a sundae, but I'm eating it on a Saturday!
Frankie: Yeah, yeah. I get it.
Sue: [laughs] Ooh! I know. I'll post it on Facebook. I'll call it my "Saturday Night Suuue-nday," and I'll show it next to these funny socks I'm wearing. [laughs]
Frankie: Hey, what if we went to a movie? Then you can post you went to a movie on Saturday night.
Sue: Oh, I like that. Oh, "Going to the movies with my mom!"
Frankie: Don't send! No. What about, "Went to the movies with the girls"? 'Cause we're both girls, right?
Sue: Love it. I'll get my jacket.
Frankie: Oh. We're really gonna go?

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