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Quote from Mike in Wheel of Pain

Mike: I had no idea how close we were to affording this trip.
Sue: Uh-huh.
Mike: [clinks] So close. Guess we'll just have to start all over again. Oh, well.
Sue: Oh, well!
Mike: You know, it's funny, though you call me when there's a ladybug in the house. But when a rock comes through the window, no call.
Sue: [laughs nervously]
Mike: I mean funny as in interesting.
Sue: Right.
Mike: What time... [clinks] did you say the rock came through the window again?
Sue: Between 7:00 and 8:00, maybe closer to 8:00. And so on and so forth, and what have you.
Mike: I see. And when you say, "and so on and so forth and what have you," what time have you? [coin clinks]

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