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Quote from Axl in Life Skills

Mike: Okay, clearly, you two shouldn't be in the same room... ever. Can't one of you switch to a different period or school or something?
Frankie: Look, I'd say try getting along, but I'd never keep a straight face. Why don't you pretend you don't know each other?
Axl: That was my plan, too, but Sue kept talking to me.
Sue: You pushed my desk into the hallway!
Axl: You left me no choice!
Mike: Enough. The whole reason we send you to school is so we don't have to deal with you for seven hours a day. Now go do your homework.
Axl: I don't have any.
Sue: Yes, we do.
Axl: [gasps] See?! That's exactly what I'm talking about!

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