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Quote from Brick in The Test

Brad: It wasn't that bad. It was pretty standard bullying.
Frankie: Wait. What does that mean? What happened?
[flashback to Brick's legs sticking out of a trash can]
Mike: He put you in the trash?
Brick: It's okay. I know how to get myself out.
[flashback to Brick toppling the trash can, dusting himself off and whistling as he walks away]
Brick: I don't mind it that much. Sometimes when I'm in the trash, I get a little light-headed, but today I did find half a banana in there.
Frankie: Brick! How many times have I told you we don't eat out of the garbage?
Brick: I saw you eat cake out of it once.
Frankie: [quietly] I gave you a dollar not to talk about that.

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