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Quote from Mike in Forced Family Fun (Part 2)

Sue: Wait. Where's Brick? Brick!
Axl: I don't know. He said something earlier about going to look at the stars.
Mike: Oh, God. He's out there by himself, and it's my fault. Why did I tell him not to read?
Sue: Oh, no. He's so little. He's gonna be like an appetizer!
Mike: I gotta go find him.
Brick: I'm right here.
Mike: Oh, Brick! Oh, you scared us! We thought you were out there looking at stars.
Brick: I was. [holds up "Nightwatch" book]
Mike: Jeez, Brick, you still don't get it, do you? I thought I explained-
Frankie: Mike, not the time!
Mike: Oh, damn it. The battery's dead.
Brick: Sorry, I was using the light to read.

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