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Quote from Frankie in Forced Family Fun (Part 2)

Frankie: Mike? Mike, the rain stopped. He's gone. Aw. I'm sorry, Mike. [moaning] [kissing]
Nicky: Ohh.
Frankie: [screams]
Nicky: I'm kidding. I knew it was you.
Frankie: You're not Mike!
Nicky: Oh, you and everybody else. It's like I'm talking to my father all over again.
Frankie: Get out! Get out, get out, get out, get out!
Nicky: Okay. We're in a tent here. It's just us.
Frankie: Get out!
Nicky: You know, in an alternate universe, you and I could have been very happy together.
Frankie: Get out.

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