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Quote from Frankie in Forced Family Fun (Part 2)

Mike: Okay! I screwed up. I took you camping on our honeymoon, which is apparently the worst idea ever. It rained, and an annoying guy from my high school showed up, and we had a fight. But it was 19 years ago, Frankie. 19 years! We got three kids! It worked out! Why won't you let this go?
Frankie: Because... I can't.
Mike: Okay, fine, then sulk. Sulk just like you did then.
Frankie: I didn't sulk!
Mike: Yes, you did. You sulked all night, and you couldn't let it go.
Frankie: I tried to make up with you!
Mike: What?
Frankie: That's right. In the tent. I tried to make up with you!

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