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Quote from Mike in Forced Family Fun (Part 1)

Frankie: Okay, Mike. You might not have missed the kids, but I have, and I don't want the only magnet we have to show for ourselves to be from Orson Gutter & Septic.
Mike: Well, in case you didn't notice, those magnets are holding up our unpaid bills.
Frankie: Well, we'll just have to be creative, then. Come on. Think. Just something quick and cheap that we can look back on when we're old and alone and say, "Hey, remember that thing we did with those kids we used to have?"
Mike: Well, you want quick and cheap, I got quick and cheap for you.
Frankie: Oh, no. Don't say it.
Mike: I'm gonna say it.
Frankie: No, don't say it.
Mike: I'm saying it. Camping. There. I said it.

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