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Quote from Mike in The Bridge

Frankie: Wow. That cop came out of nowhere.
Mike: Illegal U-turn. You know, if we gave you an allowance, this would be coming out of it. You're gonna have to go over that bridge sometime, Brick. This is getting silly.
Brick: It's not silly, and I'm not going over the bridge.
Mike: Well, maybe you won't be having dinner tonight. How silly is that?
Frankie: Mike.
Mike: You're right. Too silly. Go to your room instead.
Brick: Fine. I like my room. I feel safe there.
Mike: Yeah? Well, maybe I'll build a bridge in front of it, and you'll never feel safe again!
Frankie: Mike!
Mike: Sorry. I'm- I'm fed up with this crap. I spent 120 bucks this week on the way to the mall.

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