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Quote from Brick in Valentine's Day II

Mike: Let's try to keep the noise level down! Adults are getting a headache!
Autumn: Mr. Heck? This lion Valentine just has a question mark on it. Is it from Brick?
Mike: Uh...
Frankie: [v.o.] Mike didn't want to make any more trouble for Brick, so...
Mike: Nah. That doesn't look like Brick's handwriting. But it sort of looks like that kid's over there. [Autumn walks over and hugs that boy]
Brick: Dad. What did you say to Autumn? Why is she hugging Jake while holding my Valentine?
Mike: I was trying to help you out.
Brick: By telling her my Valentine was from Jake? This is a disaster! How did you ever land Mom? You know nothing about women!

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