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Quote from Frankie in Valentine's Day II

Axl: So we're in biology class...
Frankie: Yeah.
Axl: And Ms. Devereaux turns on the methane burner, and I go, "Whoa, who farted?" And everybody laughs.
Frankie: [laughs] Axl, you are so funny.
Axl: Yeah. You know, you've actually been pretty cool about helping me with Vanessa.
Frankie: Yeah, well... I can be cool, you know. Which you discovered by spending time with me.
Axl: Ah, you know, some people look at a girl with pink hair and five studs in her ear and judge her a certain way. Like, she absolutely must have shoplifted that watch and lip gloss. Like, oh, yeah... There's no way she could have put 'em in a pocket as a joke and forgot about 'em. But would the cop listen? No.
Frankie: Yeah, what do cops know? [to the waitress] We'll have the crème brûlée. Two spoons.

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