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Quote from Mike in The Big Chill

Bob: So, Mike, women, huh? Am I right?
Mike: Jeez.
Bob: Like mine, for example, always spending money on stupid things. Like, ugh, for example... Lip gloss.
Mike: Is that a fact?
Bob: Yeah. Makes me mad... Or hurt... Or another feeling I don't like to share.
Mike: Bob.
Bob: But you know us men. Strong and silent types. Sometimes too silent.
Mike: And sometimes not silent enough. You know, Bob, I got a problem, too. I sometimes butt into people's business and then I find myself on the side of the road, watching the Little Betty truck I was just in, as it drives away.
Bob: You're not talking about yourself, are you, Mike?
Mike: No, Bob, I'm not.
Bob: Why you slowing down?

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