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Quote from Sue in The Diaper Incident

Frankie: [v.o.] Everyone needs a friend who will stop you when you're about to make a huge mistake. Carly was not that friend.
Carly: Sean is gonna love this poem. It's, like, the most romantic thing ever.
Sue: Really? Did you notice how I used three different inks to express my three different feelings? I wrote it last month, but I got too nervous to give it to him.
Carly: Are you kidding? "Emotions glinting off my braces like the work of a bedazzler." He will love this.
Sue: I don't know. Is it too crazy?
Carly: We are living in the age of girl power.
Sue: You're right. I am a woman of the 21st century, and I am gonna give it to him. Oh, my God. I'm about to give it to him.

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