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Quote from Brick in Worry Duty

Brick: Nothing. I mean, I shouldn't say anything bad about Morgan, right?
Frankie: Well, Brick, just because you're a child, doesn't mean your opinion is less than anyone else's. I'd hope you'd feel comfortable sharing any negative feelings you might have about Morgan.
Brick: I'm not a big fan.
Frankie: I know, right? She comes across all together and perfect, but trust me, I have heard things. She is manipulative, deceitful, two-faced...
Brick: Plus she sat on my bed and moved my books. Not cool. [cheeping] Yes, I'm watching you. That's great. Sorry. What was I saying? I'm wiped. He always wants to eat, play. I'm constantly cleaning up after him.
Frankie: Throw in a carpool and we'll talk.

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