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Quote from Axl in The Jeans

Frankie: Who's that girl waving to us?
Axl: Uh, it's nobody, see you later. [Mike locks the doors] Oh, come on, let me out.
Mike: Not till you tell us who that girl is.
Axl: How should I know?
Frankie: Wow, she seems very friendly. [waves] Hi.
Mike: Sure is. [waves] Hi, friendly stranger.
Axl: Oh, God. Please, would you just stop. She's just some girl I've kind of been seeing. Let me out. Let me out, please.
Frankie: See, if we had given you a car, we would never have found out about this. What's her name? Where'd you meet?
Axl: Kate. School. She's an excellent student and a good influence on me. Can I get out now?

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