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Quote from Axl in Split Decision

Axl: O-kay. So, we're here to get another part for the toilet or...?
Mike: Ah, flapper valves. So, you've had a couple days to think about it. How ya feeling about Denver?
Axl: I don't know. I wake up in the morning, and I think, "I'm doing it. I'm taking the job." And then I go to bed and Mom sneaks in while she thinks I'm asleep and whispers mean things about Denver in my ear, and I start thinking... I don't know. Maybe she's got a point. Maybe I should just stay.
Mike: In your mom's defense, there's a thin line between crazy and love.
Axl: Yeah. You're, um, gonna want to get one of these, too. Sometimes with the older toilets, the water level's low 'cause of a defective overflow tube. Oh! You see? I know so much about plumbing now. Do you realize I can name 38 different kinds of shower heads? I am a shower head savant. I know nothing about camping equipment. But on the other hand, I've always kind of wanted more than this, you know?

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