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Quote from Mike in Great Heckspectations

Frankie: What do you mean you got your driver's license?!
Brick: Well, you guys weren't around, so I asked Sue to take me. I passed!
Mike: Yeah, we saw that.
Frankie: Brick, that is not okay! If your parents say no to something, that doesn't mean you go get your sister to do it!
Brick: I really thought you'd be fine with this. I mean, didn't I prove my trustworthiness when I stole back our car from the Glossners?
Mike: I'm sorry, but there are steps to getting your driver's license. We gotta put you on our insurance, make sure the car is tuned up, alert the neighbors...
Frankie: What did you think you were gonna do, Brick, secretly drive around for the next 75 years without us noticing? Sorry, pal. You're grounded. Two weeks.
Mike: That means no library, no seeing Cindy after school, no... I don't know what else you do.

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