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Quote from Axl in Bat Out of Heck

Mike: Did you get those chips I wanted?
Axl: Uh, no.
Mike: See? What did I say before you left? "Write it down." You didn't and you forgot.
Axl: I didn't forget. They were out.
Mike: They were out?
Axl: It's what I said.
Mike: The entire Frugal Hoosier? Out of chips?
Axl: No, Dad, I'm lying to you. It's how I get my kicks. Look, I didn't forget any chips. If there were chips, you would have chips, but there were no chips, so I didn't get the chips. But I did not forget the chips.
[cut to Axl talking to Brick in their room:]
Axl: I forgot the chips.
Brick: Did you remember my juice boxes?
Axl: They were out.

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