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Quote from Mike in Thank You for Not Kissing

Mike: Okay. Oh, plus, there seems to be this issue where you're... making out a lot.
Brick: But making out's so enjoyable. It took me and Cindy a while to figure it out... watching couples in the park helped... but now I know what I'm doing. We move our lips now.
Mike: Congratulations on that, but you know how every time I kiss your mom, you guys say, "Ugh! That's disgusting!"?
Brick: Yeah.
Mike: Well, that's might be how other people feel about you. So, out of respect for other people, no kissing in front of them at school. Or at home. The woods is good. Or, uh, any alley, behind a Dumpster. You should feel a sense of shame. That's how you know you're doing it right.

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