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Quote from Axl in Vive La Hecks

Frankie: We want to hear about Vienna.
Axl: No, we were in Venezia. That's Venice. Anyway, now, I'm headed toward Firenze... that's, uh, Florence...
and all I know, Kenny's headed to Roma... that's Rome.
Mike: Yeah, we had that one figured out.
Axl: Long story short, I end up in a tiny Italian village called Bondeno. The station's closing, my cellphone is dead, I have no idea where Kenny is, the only thing I can say in Italian is "Fuggedaboutit."
Frankie: This is insane. I would be freaking out.
Sue: I went to meet Carly at the wrong Panera Bread once, and I called 911.
Axl: But I found the station manager. I noticed he had a Yankees' hat on, so I chased this guy down. Not only does he speak English, he invites me to his family's restaurant, and he gives me a manual with all the train schedules so I can figure out how to find Kenny. [Brick raises his hand] Yes, you can have the manual.

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