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Quote from Frankie in Fight or Flight

Mike: [sighs] Europe. You believe that guy? You know what I was doing the day after I finished college?
Frankie: Interviewing for jobs?
Mike: Interviewing for jobs. But that's not for him. No, looking for work is hard. Flying off to Europe is easy. He's not going, Frankie. There's no way this is happening.
Frankie: Right, exactly. [scoffs] Although... it would be kind of incredibly cool.
Mike: What?
Frankie: Yeah, I-I-I-I'm just, you know, playing devil's advocate... which, if you think about it, is a stupid expression 'cause the devil's a real stinker, it's not like...
Mike: Don't do the yammering thing. Just spit it out.
Frankie: Well, Kenny's paying for the ticket, so, I don't know, maybe he should go.

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