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Quote from Sue in Fight or Flight

Frankie: You mean that thing that looks like an eyelash?
Sue: Yes!
Mike: Oh, honey, I don't think there's any damage there. Looks like you dodged a bullet.
Sue: [sighs] Yeah, well, I left a note, just in case. [Frankie & Mike groan]
Mike: Why'd you go and do that?
Sue: Because it's the right thing to do.
Mike: Come on.
Frankie: No, she's right, Mike. Leaving a note is the right thing to do when you've left an imaginary scratch on someone's car.
Sue: Exactly. Better safe than sorry. Okay, now, I am gonna go to my room and wait for the call. [to Axl] Ah! [gasps] You almost lost me today.

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