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Quote from Sue in Clear and Present Danger

Nancy: [on TV] Mike, I didn't know it was your birthday. You're just full of secrets, aren't you?
Mike: Wait. This isn't just family.
Sue: Nope.
Nancy: [on TV] Well, we're gonna have to have you over for dinner. When's good for you? How's this Tuesday? Ron! Mike's coming over for dinner on Tuesday.
Jim: [on TV] Three words that describe Mike? Only three? Oh, gosh, that's hard. Hero, gentle giant... shoot, that's already three. Can I have one more?
Barber: [on TV] Which Mike? I got five Mikes.
Mike: You talked to my barber?
Sue: [laughing] Yeah.
Barber: [on TV] Tall Mike... got to put the chair all the way down when he comes in.

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