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Quote from Frankie in Clear and Present Danger

Frankie: [gasps] Yes! Ha-ha! This is it. Now I remember. I was at the doughnut shop, and this new store, The Giftery, had opened next door. I was in there killing time, when I came across this absolutely perfect...
Brick: Shoe horn?
Frankie: No, no, no, it's not just a shoe horn. It's the "Busy Businessman's Luxury Shoe Care Kit." Oh, yeah, get it? 'Cause Axl's a business major. I remember thinking this would be symbolic for when he gets a job. I mean, it's got polish and a little applicator, and it comes in this handy carrying case. Yeah, this sucks. Ugh, crap. Now I got to get him something else. Oh, well, at least I got him a cute card a while ago.

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