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Quote from Sue in Dental Hijinks

Tyler: Hey, I got your call, and I rushed right over. Of course, I'm not sure it can be classified as rushing at six miles an hour.
Sue: Yeah. Oh, thanks for picking me up from the party. I walked by some kids who were smoking, and I held my breath for as long as I could, but then I had to take a breath. And I don't know what they were smoking, but it could have been marijuana, because one of them had a knit hat on.
Tyler: Sounds like I got here just in time.
Sue: Mm-hmm.
Tyler: Yeah.
Sue: Yeah, so... the whole party thing's not really my scene.
Tyler: Yeah, me neither.
Sue: Oh, really?
Tyler: Yeah, I'd much rather have, like, a nice dinner, cozy evening in, maybe watch some Netflix. I'm basically 40. [Sue laughs]

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