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Quote from Sue in Ovary and Out

Sue: And then I think "Where do I fit in this world?" 'Cause some days I feel like I'm special, but then I think, "Who am I to even think that I'm special?" You know? Do you feel special?
Sean: Hmm. You know, in my anatomy class, we read about this new study, and even in identical twins where all the genes are supposed to be exactly alike, there's this "X" factor that makes them different. It's like snowflakes... no two people are exactly the same. But even if I never read that, I'd know that you, Suzy Q, are a very special snowflake.
Sue: You know, it is so great to hear things from a guy's perspective. My dad isn't much of a talker, you know? And Axl isn't always very sensitive.

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