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Quote from Sue in A Very Marry Christmas

Axl: Look, it just happened, okay? April and I were in the Winnebago, talking about how her parents don't like me and my parents don't like her, and I don't know. We just started feeling like, "Hey, we don't need anybody. We got each other." So, the more we talked about it, the more upset we got, and next thing I know, we're at the courthouse in this really long line. And it was around then I started to have second thoughts, but if we got out of line, we'd lose our place, and everyone else in line was so happy for us, 'cause we're really young and hot, and they're all so old.
Sue: That's because you're too young to get married! You were supposed to date for 2 1/2 years, graduate, get a job, and then get married in a small church, surrounded by God and your friends and family and even the cousins you don't know very well, and I am a bridesmaid! Now, I'll just have to be a bridesmaid for Cindy and wear a formal dress and a safari hat!

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