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Quote from Mike in Look Who's Not Talking

Mike: So, listen. I know things got pretty crazy before Thanksgiving, but it's water under the bridge, right? You know your mom. She is how she is. Sometimes she says things in the heat of the moment, but anyway, she's pretty upset about the whole thing and... I don't know if you got it or not, but she sent you a picture of a carrot.
Axl: Yeah, I got it. It's hilarious.
Mike: Great. If you could take a minute, shoot her back a text about the carrot, it'd be...
Axl: Nope.
Mike: What do you mean no?
Axl: I mean I'm not talking to her. She went too far this time. You can say anything you want about me, but you start taking shots at my lady, we got a problem. You know what I'm saying? No one talks crap about my lady!
Mike: I hear you, but your mom is my lady, and I need you to cut her some slack. She's sorry about what she said, and she extended the dirty carrot as a peace offering. The least you can do is accept it.
Axl: Why should I?
Mike: Because to not make an inappropriate comment about the dirty carrot will be disrespectful to your mother.

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