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Quote from Brad in Look Who's Not Talking

Sue: Wait. Wait, wait, wait, what? You dropped out?
Brad: Yes, everything I own is in my car, and I haven't even told my parents yet.
Sue: What? I don't get it. NYU was your dream school.
Brad: More like nightmare. Everyone there is so dark and intense. I just had such a different upbringing, a whole different training.
Brad: "I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody!"
Pizza Hut Manager: Bigger?
Brad: "I coulda been a contender! I coulda been somebody!"
Pizza Hut Manager: Bigger!
Brad: "I coulda been a contender! I coulda been somebody!"
Pizza Hut Manager: I could say bigger, but I don't know if I could handle it!

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